Some Firefox users may need to log in more than once to log in. It's a known Firefox bug. Check "keep me logged in," it might help.
Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.
Es posible que algunxs usuarixs de Firefox tengan que conectarse más de una vez para iniciar sesión. Es un error conocido de Firefox. Marca "keep me logged in" (mantenerme conectado), puede ayudar.
Bike!Bike! Everywhere! Volunteer Roles/en
How do I volunteer? Contact and/or attend a meeting.
NOTE: All roles are ideally small groups or "committees". All roles need more people.
Eternal Roles that Never End
Maintain the tech infrastructure (Darin, Étienne, Ifny, Cweth, Jonathan, Angel)
- Previously: Godwin, Darin, Étienne, Angel, Jonathan
- videoconferencing platform
- text chat platform
-, especially the wiki
- mailing lists hosted at (thinktank and bikebike-everywhere)
Schedule meetings ( )
- Previously: Angel, Darin
- Plan meetings and make sure they keep happening
- Could also suggest ways to facilitate the meetings
- Setting the event dates and dress rehearsal dates
- Update Meetings page on this wiki
Volunteer Coordination (Nat, )
- Previously: Angel, Darin, Étienne
- Assign people to things
- Follow up - are people still doing what they signed up to do. Do they need help? Find replacements if needed.
- Get people's addresses or info for thank you
Answer Emails (Angel, )
- Previously: Angel
- Respond to obvious questions
- Directly ping somebody else who could answer if not
- Keep an eye on registrations in case people have notes/questions that we need to answer
Secretary ( )
- Take notes during meetings
- Collectively agree to collectively take minutes at every gathering
- Add link to the meeting minutes on the page on this wiki
Before the Event
Coordinate Workshops ( )
- Previously: Angel, Darin
- Communicate with faciliators (what are their needs? what do we need from them? what do they need to know?)
- Coordinate a practice event before the real B!B!E!.
- Plan workshop schedule (see writeup at )
Write Announcements ( )
- Previously: Angel, Darin, Étienne
- Write announcements, send them out for review/editing
- Send emails to the right lists
- Post to website, wiki, opencollective, etc.
- Get announcements translated
- Find volunteers
- Share information with social media person/s
Social Media (Nat, )
- Figure out how/when/where to do communication on social media
- Share information that comes from announcement person/s
- Find volunteers
Translation & Interpretation (Nat, )
- Previously: Nat, angé, Tigre, yajaira, Francisco, and others
- Translate written materials + announcements for distribution
- Interpret at meetings if needed
- Depending on availability of funds, translators and interpreters may be paid
Translation & Interpretation / Language Justice (Nat, )
- Previously: angé, Nat,
- Recruit translators & interpreters
- Maintain interpretation schedules & translation to-do lists
- Coordinating with translators & interpreters (sample spreadsheets for translation & interpretation)
- Ensuring the planning is actually being mindful of LJ practices
- Being on everyone's case at the dress rehersal
- Making sure the announcement person and technical planners have access to and the means to translate materials
Technical Planning (Darin, Angel, Ifny, Cweth, Jonathan, Étienne, Angel)
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Angel, angé
- Deciding on important criteria in which to use in decision making, e.g. ease-of-use, language justice + accessibility, FLOSS
- Comparing and selecting tech platforms for various tasks
- Deciding how to use the platforms (e.g. 1-channel per workshop + webinar chat, disabling group chat, etc.)
Tech Support ( )
- Learn how to support the event
- Testing access to systems
- Trying out the platforms on various devices
Finance (Angel, Nat, Étienne, Darin, )
- Previously: angé, Angel, Momoko
- keep an eye on donations & budget
- request & approve invoices as needed
- liase with OpenCollective if we need cash disbursements or other special stuff
Fundraising & Outreach ( )
- Get donations of in-kind software and other things we might use
- Get donations of money
- orgs
- individuals
- attendees
- Send out outreach requests to big orgs, federated bike collectives
Graphic design ( )
- Previously: Angel, Étienne
- Make cool posters
- Make things for social media
- Make graphics to excite your friends
- Make more bike emoji [yesssssss]
Digital Archiving ( )
- Previously: Darin, Angel
- Be in charge of the recordings (some notes on how we did recordings in 2021)
- Be in charge of linking records to each session and making a wonderful paper trail for future generations
Excited Newb ( )
- Previously: All of us!
- Come to any and all meetings
- Learn how to do anything
- See a place that might be a good fit but you're feeling daunted? Every role has an "apprentice"!
- Do anything!
Ombuds/Mediator ( )
- On call to help people process & resolve stuff as needed prior to or during the event
During the Event
"Techies" ( )
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Ifny, Carrie, Patti, Christine, Robin, Angel
- Help get folx using the platforms and troubleshoot before/during/after sessions
- Make sure sessions are being recorded
- Uploading recordings after the sessions
Workshop hosts ( )
- Host + facilitate the workshop, not necessarily give a presentation
- Slow down everyone because we all speak too fast
- Remind people to introduce themselves
- Everything else here:
Interpreters ( )
- Previously: angé, Nat, Tigre, machete, Eli
- Simultaneous interpretation during workshops
- Last-minute translations
- Depending on availability of funds, translators and interpreters may be paid
People who put out fires ( )
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Angel, Ifny
- be on hand to help resolve technical issues, scheduling problems, and anything else that goes wrong during the event
After the Event
Digital Archiving ( )
- Previously: Darin, Angel
- Be in charge of the recordings (some notes on how we did recordings in 2021)
- Be in charge of linking records to each session and making a wonderful paper trail for future generations
Followup announcements & exit survey ( )
- Previously: Angel
- send one or more emails (here's how it went, links to digital archives, volunteer for next time)
- create and distribute an exit survey (what did you like? what would you change? etc.)
Write and mail out thank you notes ( )
One-off Tasks
Consolidate Email lists for announcements ( )
- there are a bunch of lists of people who have been to Bike!Bike! in the past, people who want to attend in the future, community bike organizations, etc.; it would be helpful to combine them all in one place (more or less)